As a nurse employed on duty, there typically arises a time in which the ill-fated practice of patient bereavement occurs 1 and as challenging as a code blue could be, it is very significant for the staff nurses to distinguish and understand the appropriate steps that is essential to take place rapidly during emergency conditions.2 A code blue is stimulated if a client found insensible orunconscious, pulseless, breathless. Nurses have an immense responsibility of identifying prompt variations in the client’s status by using critical rational skills to support the client while the further team members shortly reach to support. 3, 4 A code blue consists of the nurse activating the code, sharing known clinical information to the team, performing chest compressions, monitoring the patient, and evaluating the entire code blue process.5 The strength of the client’s is confidently bent on the stage passed between the cardiac stop to restoration and it’s expected to be 3 to 5 minutes.6 Along with, till the team reaches, if possible, somebody shouting the Code Blue must commence basic life support procedure.7 The revitalization tools and specific medicines should be in emergency box along with the team.8 The healthcare professionals and hospital staff’s knowledge about Code Blue and crisis circumstances would be primarily sufficient, if not, train hem adequately and enhance it. 9
Measure the pre-intervention level of knowledge of staff nurses working at hospital regarding Code Blue protocol management.
Find the efficacy of Multidisciplinary Educational approach on knowledge of staff nurses about Code Blue protocol management.
Find the association between the mean pre-manipulation knowledge score on Code Blue protocol management among nurses and selected demographic variables.
Materials and Methods
In this investigation, the investigator expected at estimating the efficacy of ‘Multidisciplinary educational approach’ on knowledge about ‘Code Blue protocol management’ among nurses. quantitative research approach and pre-experimental designed was preferred with one group pre-test and post-test was used in the current investigation. The research was done at selected hospitals. A total of 60 staff nurses working at all general and critical care units were selected by using non-probability convenient sampling technique. The researcher used two instruments for the relevant data collection i.e. selected socio-demographic variables and structured knowledge questionnaire on code blue protocol. Before the educational approach collected the data using the research tool followed by intervention and post-test was conducted on seventh day after the intervention using the same tool. Questionnaires were categorized into three groups in the knowledge aspect poor, average, and good knowledge based on their score. The collected data were computed by descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The investigator obtained written permission from the concerned authority.
Table 1
Frequency andpercentage distribution of staff nurse according to demographic variables. [n=60]
Table 2
Staff nurse’s frequency and percentage distribution as per before and after intervention knowledge level [n=60]
Knowledge level |
Score |
Pre-intervention |
Post-intervention |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Poor |
0-7 |
43 |
72 |
02 |
03 |
Average |
8-14 |
14 |
23 |
07 |
12 |
Good |
15-21 |
03 |
05 |
51 |
85 |
Total |
60 |
100 |
60 |
100 |
Table 3
Comparison between mean pre and post-intervention knowledge scores of nurses regarding Code Blue protocol management. [n=60]
Level of knowledge |
Mean |
Mean difference |
SD |
Calculated “t” value |
df |
Critical Value |
P value |
Pre test |
7.38 |
9.59 |
3.77 |
-16.05 |
59 |
2.00 |
0.00001 |
Post test |
16.97 |
3.52 |
Table 4
Association of nurse’s knowledge before intervention and selected demographic variables.[n=60]
lluminates that 30% (18) majority nurses fall in the above 33 years’ age, 28% (17) nurses were 26-29 years, 22% (13) were 22-25 years and the smallest i.e. 20%(12) were in the of 30-33 years’ age group. 53% (32) of nurses were female and 47% (28) subjects were male. Majority 45% (27) were completed their nursing education in GNM and remaining 32% (19) and 23% (14) had B. Sc nursing and M. Sc nursing qualification respectively. 60% (36) of nurses were working in general ward and 40% (24) were having their duty in critical care unit. 52% (31) were working as ward in charge whereas 48% (29) had their duty in the critical care unit. Majority 38% (23) of nurses were having 6-10 years of experience in clinical service and residual 37% (22) were having 1-5 years and 25% (15) of staff nurses were belongs to more than 10 years of experience.
The data in the Table 2 shows that in the Pre-test knowledge score, 72% (43) of the staff nurses were having poor, 23% (14) were fall under average and 5% (03) were come under good knowledge level. In the Post-manipulation, 85% (51) of nurses were in the Good, 12%(07) were average and 3% (02) were having poor level of knowledge.
Data shown in the Table 3 describes the Mean score before manipulation was ± 7.38 and the standard deviation was ± 3.77 whereas after intervention Mean score was ±16.97 and SD was ± 3.52. The mean difference was ± 9.59. The calculated ‘t’ value ± 16.05 which is a greater value compared to the critical value i.e., 2 at the degree of freedom 59, which depicts that significance (p=0.00001) at the 0.05 level. Therefore, the first null hypothesis was rejected. This research result shows that the teaching strategy i.e. ‘multidisciplinary educational approach’ was having effect in enhancing knowledge of nurses on ‘Code Blue protocol management.
The above that the association between the selected sociodemographic variables such as age, gender, educational qualification, area of working in the hospital, cadre of nurse and Mean Pre-test knowledge score found to be non-significant at 0.05 level because each computed value of sociodemographic variables was smaller than table value. This result showed that null hypothesis was accepted. But experience in nursing service category was significant at 0.05 level, (Chi-square=11.05) (p =0.025) this results showed that second null hypothesis was rejected.
Code blue in the hospital is very much paramount to provide an emergency treatment to the critically ill patients.10 This study was aimed to appraise the knowledge of staff nurses about code blue using “multidisciplinary educational approach” and to associate the knowledge of nurses before manipulation and demographic variables. Pre experimental research design was used to evaluate the knowledge of nurses working in the hospitals. The results of the study revealed that the posttest knowledge was more comparing to the pretest knowledge. This completely showed that the multidisciplinary educational approach has a good impact on nurse’s knowledge. In other side of objective related to pretest knowledge and demographic variable revealed that, only the experience of the nurses is associated to it comparing to other selected demographic variables.
Nurses knowledge is very much important to provide effective care to the any type of patients.11 There are many methods of teaching and learning in the educational sectors.12 Among these methods multidciplinary educational approach is foremost method in enhancing nurse’s knowledge related to code blue protocol management.13 This study represents that’s the more and more education using multidisciplinary approach is an important aspect of education in enhancing the nurse’s knowledge. So that the nurses will able to treat the critically ill patient effectively.14